claritylit's Diaryland Diary


slightly tipsy

He just keeps talking and talking and talking....

Matt's on the phone with an acquaintance, and he won't stop talking. I'm trying to watch Law & Order, which he wanted to watch in the first place, and now I can't figure out what's going on, because all I hear is him saying, "Mmmhm. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. I gotcha. Okay. Yeah. Mmmhmm." Okay, turns out to be his dad. So hard to tell.

Anyhow, I went to the first meeting for the alternative teacher certification program in the county. It was very dull. Fortunately, it only lasted an hour, and I got my textbooks and my huge-ass binder full of projects to do. Yay.

My knitting is going okay. I have only had to start over three or four times. I'm planning a thin, long scarf for my grandmother to wrap around her neck a couple times even when it's a little warmer. Totally garter stitch, since the couple times I tried to switch from knit to purl stitch, I ended up with something weird. I'll try something else later.

I'm also trying to download a trial of Photoshop. Is there anyone out there using a Mac to do simple things like make LJ icons who can tell me which graphics program they use? I've downloaded a couple, and haven't been happy using any of them.

Signing off,

slightly tipsy

8:10 pm - January 26, 2004


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